Heike Pirngruber

Heike aka ‘Pushbikegirl’ is from Heidelberg, Germany. She’s pedaled over 50 countries, 75.000 Km. and her current tour started in May 2013. Before 2013, she only left for months at a time, with the one exception of an 8-month solo trip across the desert of Australia.

Heike writes:

I love remote places, the further away from civilization the better. I also love dirt roads and trails, but I don’t stick to them for the sake of it. If a paved road is traffic-free, I enjoy it just as much. Open skies, deserts, mountains and campfires make me happy.

The longer I was on the road the slower I went. Kilometers aren’t important, whereas people, nature and adventures are.
The bike is simply my form of transportation. I don’t use it to break records, but to dig deeper and come closer to the diversity the planet has to offer.

I also avoid routines since variety is the spice of life. Challenges are what keep me going and freedom is my biggest pleasure.
I prefer to only use planes and public transport when needed but have since become more relaxed with that rule.

I also explore more than the ‘greatest cycling’ destinations. I want to see the full range the world has to offer. This means visiting the so-called ‘boring’ places and forming my own opinion about them.

www.pushbikegirl.com and www.instagram.com/pushbikegirl

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