Videos Bangladesh

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Dhaka’s population is out on the streets, all 17 million of them. And they’re all doing something; buying, selling, going… every which way. In the mornings, we were eager to head out, to see everything. But by evening, we were happy to be back in the peace and quiet of our hotel room.

Feature home page, Video, Videos Bangladesh

Rocket boat

We left Dhaka while the sun set, heading downriver to Khulna. The following morning we woke up to see the… river covered in mist. A serene, calm landscape that was in total contrast to the chaos of Dhaka.

Feature home page, Video, Videos Bangladesh


The back roads of Bangladesh are great for cycling! No buses, just three-wheelers loaded up with produce and people. They… would smile and wave as they passed us. And yes, there is nothing so ego-destroying as being overtaken by a van rickshaw carrying multiple passengers.

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