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Burr Trail

The Burr Trail is one of the most scenic roads in Utah, and that’s saying something! It winds through deep… canyons, descends the colorful water pocket fold and finishes at Lake Powell.

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Trans America trail

Looking out over the Pacific Ocean we began to realize what we had gotten ourselves into; a 3 month bicycle… trip between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. What would we come across? How steep were the mountain passes? What about the heat in Kansas? Would everybody be able to get along? We then turned east towards Virginia as America slowly unfolded itself before us.

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Moki Dugway

The Colorado Plateau stretched out in every direction, flat and featureless. We wondered when it would ever end.

Then, a sign appeared: “10% grade, switchbacks, narrow gravel road.” We had arrived at Moki Dugway, where over 1,000 feet below, the paved road snaked onwards.

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Ophir Pass

“Ophir Pass? It’s spectacular! You guys should have no problem cycling up it,” said the tourist information lady reassuringly. Perhaps… she had been altitude training – or lying – because we suffered. We weren’t acclimatized and by midday, we were still struggling to reach the summit. She was right about the scenery though. We ended up pitching our tent near the top with a panoramic view of the San Juan Mountains.

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White Rim trail

After heading down the switchbacks of Mineral Canyon, we spotted the entrance sign to Canyonlands National Park. “Entrance to another… planet is more like it,” remarked Paul as we struggled to pedal (and push!) our bicycles through the sand. Dwarfed by this landscape of immense rock, we realized why the White Rim Trail has become a classic mountain bike route.

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Gateway cafe

Gateway’s supermarket-café specializes in greasy hamburgers with extra ketchup. But after a week of granola bars, they were heaven! Sadly… the store’s shelves were empty. So the next morning we set off with hotdogs from the restaurant as we headed up towards the La Sal Mountains.

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Snowed in

“I don’t suppose you guys have snow tires for those bikes?” asked a hunter. We just laughed.

That night a… storm hit and  the next morning, we woke up to a ‘winter wonderland.’ We tried to pack the tent away but even without stakes, it stood frozen in place. So we crawled back into our sleeping bags for a day of card games and listening to country music.

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