Category: Photo gallery

Nepal – children


Nepalese children have turned the valley’s streets into a playground.

They fly kites, climb up statues and enjoy clowning around with tourists.

More Kathmandu impressions:

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Nepal – Bhaktapur


The timeless air of Bhaktapur made it a perfect place for a break.

We spent days wandering the cobblestone streets and sitting on temple steps observing life around us.

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East-Africa – bicycle culture


For East Africans bikes aren’t just for personal transport. They’re also used to haul goods, passengers and are often an undervalued workhorse.

We asked an old Tanzanian villager why we kept seeing young men cruise around on motorcycles in the evenings yet during the day we only came across cyclists.

“For young guys, motorcycles are for showing off,” he said. “But when they need to go to work in the fields or get somewhere, then they grab their dependable bicycles.”

More bike culture impressions:

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