Category: e-books

Little Red Cyclist – free photo eBook

The images in this book show what it feels like to be a small and humble bicyclist pedaling through the enormous, overpowering landscapes of the world.



Bicycle Touring Photography guide – free eBook

This eBook offers easily digestible ideas on how to improve your bicycle touring pictures – covering basic photo composition tips such as ‘keep it simple’, ‘diagonal lines’ and ‘camera standpoint’. Since you’ll want to photograph more than just your bicycle, it also contains links to various travel, landscape, and portrait photo tip websites.

If you find the content of the eBook useful then the best way to thank us is to share this page with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. Or feel free to even e-mail the eBook to them.


Bicycling around the world – free photo eBook

In 2010, Grace and I set off on a multi-year bicycle tour. Wherever we go, we search out bike culture, dramatic landscapes, and remote places.

So come pedal with us through the icy Himalayas, the barren Pamir highway, tropical East Africa and the chaos of Dhaka in search of unique cycling images.

We also show you glimpses of bicycle culture via painted rickshaws, overloaded cargo bikes and even two-wheelers piled high with cotton candy.

By the end of this book, we hope you’ll agree that the world is best viewed from a bike saddle.
