Category: Bicycle touring photo gallery

Morocco – bicycle touring


Some cyclists think you have to fly to the other side of the globe to experience a completely different culture.

But that’s not true. You can go to Morocco.

And why not? The country has some of the most stunning landscapes in the world.

Combined with gorgeous architecture and hospitable people, it’s a winning combination.

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World – bicycle touring

Some of our favorite bicycle touring pictures from around the globe.

For more cycling images visit Paul’s bicycle photography site at

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Oman – bicycle touring


Oman is barren yet the diversity in desert landscapes is enormous.

After weeks of touring by bicycle, our skin dried out and we were continually covered in sand.

We had turned into desert rats.

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Oman – camping

No problem

Wild camping is legal in Oman.

Since there’s almost nobody around, we’d just pull off the road and set up our tent.

Even when we camped behind a government building, the Omanis didn’t bat an eye.

More camping impressions:

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Bolivia – bicycle touring


Bolivia isn’t the easiest destination to ride through due to the sand and high elevations.

But pedaling across the Salar de Uyuni has to be one of our all-time favorite cycling experiences!

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Argentina – bicycle touring


The never-ending Ruta 40 led us through Argentina.

Accompanied by a playlist of road trip songs that played through our heads – the miles flew by.

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China – bicycle touring


China is what bicycle travel is all about, adventure!

Even though we couldn’t communicate, read signs or even identify what we were eating, we just jumped in.

We cycled past sidewalks filled with dancing office workers and street cleaners in high heels. Our tour also took us  through some of the most gorgeous scenery in the world.

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Pamirs – bicycle touring


The highway crosses the vast Pamir plateau.

It’s an unnerving, bleak place yet full of stunning high desert landscapes.

We would love to go back and ride it again!

But then we remember the crappy food, icy wind and high altitudes…

Back to the Pamirs

America – little red cyclist

Red cyclist

The photography theme Little Red Cyclist shows what it feels like to be a small, humble bicyclist pedaling through the enormous, overpowering landscapes of the American Southwest.

Download the free Little Red Cyclist e-book full of images from around the globe.

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India – bicycle touring


For cyclists – India has it all; the mighty Himalayas, tropical beaches, quiet backroads and very diverse cultures. Yet you’ll also find poverty, dangerous highways, and at times experience way too much attention. 

There seems to be no ‘middle-ground’ with the subcontinent. It’s never boring.

Whenever we become blasé, then we know its time to head back to India.

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